I remember when I turned 18...I couldn't wait to vote. I was so excited that I got to have a say in elections. I voted in every election that came up (except the primary that I forgot about because I was having finals at UCLA, oh well...)--and was happy about it. I guess I was not a typical young person--or a typical person, period, if I really think about it. Anyway, today is election day (Midterm Midtacular for John Stewart and Stephen Colbert =)), and I have to admit that I was SERIOUSLY considering NOT voting. I have a general unease about the state of government and politics in America, and I was starting to feel like maybe it WAS unimportant that I get myself out to the poles...
Well, I left for work this morning without the information on my polling place, etc. I knew I had a meeting after work and an appointment after that. I was thinking again of giving up, but when I got to work, I discovered that our school library was a polling place! In an inspired moment, I got in there and got a special ballot (provisional) for voting in a polling place that was not my own. Then, oddly enough, I started to worry that my vote would not be counted properly! I asked a bunch of questions about it, and then, reluctantly filled out the ballot envelope.
So I guess, the sad thing is that had a polling place not been conveniently located right in front of my face, I might have skipped putting in my two cents on who should be running my state and where my tax money should go, but the great thing is that, as it turned out, I DID feel that my vote was important afterall! And I felt proud that I exercised my rights (and my voice) and voted.
AHHHH..life in America, think to yourself...if you were not born here, would you have scaled a 122 foot wall to get in...just a thought....